he ouer to the power of Sathan: But hee hath restored my health and vnderstanding, and renued my Grace. Page graue and raiseth vp: And by how much greater your crosse hath beene, by so much the greater was your deli∣uerance The mighty power of God vpon your body, and his rich mercy on your soule, hath the more appear∣ed, that so the more he might be glori∣fied, and your heart comforted for you may argue thus The Lord might haue in iustice destroyed me, yet hee hath in mercy spared me the Lord might haue chosen whether hee would haue deliuered me or not But in great mercy he rather chose to deliuer mee The Lord might haue left mee my health, and withdrawne his grace from me, and giuen yeares which are far a∣boue the distance of your sicknes, wherefore you ought not to thinke the worse of your selfe, for nothing hath befallen vnto you but that which ap∣pertaineth * vnto man Nay you ought to comfort your heart in your afflicti∣on, for as you know the sender which is God, and the cause which is your sinne: So now you know your deli∣uerer, and the cause which is his mer∣cy for it is the Lord who killeth and * maketh aliue, bringeth downe to the The man * whom our Sauiour cured had beene diseased 38. yeares yea Gods children haue beene far worse afflicted, as that Daughter of Abraham was for 18. But others also haue beene holden with the like Nabuchadnezar * King of Babell was turned out a gra∣zing among beasts. Your case was strange to be holden as a creature sencelesse for seuen whole yeares. Wherefore seeing you haue entrea∣ted me helpe, I will (by Gods as∣sistance) satisfie your desire. Page of fight to the blinde and to set at libertie such as are brused. I commend your care to seeke comfort from the ordinance of God, that is his * Ministers, who are commaunded of God to comfort the feeble minded, * and to speake comfortably to Hieru∣salem, and to cry vnto her, that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquitie is pardoned As Christ was annoynted, so are his Ministers ap∣pointed to preach the Gospell to the * poore, deliuerance to the captiue, re∣couery SIR I am not vn∣mindfull of your Letter, though by occasion of busines I haue beene let. Page Page THE CHRISTIAN SWORD AND BVCKLER.
Alsop for Samuel Rand and are to be sold at his shop at Holborne Bridge.ġ623.